Ilwis 3.8

Free Loads GIS images and processes images, spatial analysis, and digital mapping
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3.8.6 See all
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
Free   27.2 MB

Ilwis is an open source software that provides users with multiple tools to help them realize raster object manipulation, with an accent on analyzing and digitizing data. The program is most suitable for students or researchers because of the various and complexly embedded functionalities.

The program's interface doesn't really stand out, having an outdated look, with small menu icons and non-descriptive toolbar buttons. Moreover, the embedded customizations are too elementary and limit the end user action impact.

Ilwis lets users perform various operations thanks to multiple project options, like raster maps, object collections, rose diagrams, scripts, representations or raster maps.

In addition to these options, with the Operation-Tree users are able to process images or perform segment operations, as well as access a large collection of utilities, statistics or SEBS tools.

Last but not least, the program offers the possibility of managing map classification, calculate distances, create histograms or execute pattern analysis.

All in all, Ilwis is a program that comprises a wide collection of tools that are very appreciated by researchers, not to mention the fact that it's free. The downsides are represented by the poor interface and lack of advanced customizations.

JS Senior editor
John Saunders
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Review summary


  • Perform segment operations
  • Calculates distances
  • Executes pattern analysis


  • Lacks advanced customizations
  • Has a poorly shaped interface

Comments (7)

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rating Naderi
I have worked with ilwis 3.3 academic for many years and I checked ilwis 3.8 . I see many functions of the ilwis 3.8 doesn't work. The help is quite different from of ilwis 3.3, color composite and color composite interactive doesn't work, creation of segment and point maps on a background map don't work, the help can't help the user as ilwis 3.3 academic . I think ilwis 3.8 is incomplete. I would be please if any experts help me to apply such functions with ilwis 3.8.

Jan 15, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
I have downloaded the ilwis 3,8 successfully but when I want to form color composite interactive or color composite it doesn't work properly. For instance for color composite interactive when I form maplist, the color composite of the first 3 bands in map list is formed but don't let met to form other color composites. I would be pleased if any of ilwis users solve my problem.

Jan 15, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Antonio Michel
I use this software in my remote sensing class.

Apr 11, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(2) no(0) | Reply
